
Documentry Filming of Biomedical Engineering at FUAHSE

Documentary Filming of Biomedical Engineering at FUAHSE

This project was a unique opportunity to capture the spirit of innovation and academic excellence that defines FUAHSE.

Showcasing Innovation in Biomedical Engineering at FUAHSE formally Dental Technology Enugu.

At Magnus Media Nigeria LTD, we believe in the power of storytelling to illuminate the achievements and aspirations of institutions that are shaping the future. Recently, I had the privilege of directing a documentary that showcases the remarkable work being done at the Biomedical Engineering Department of the Federal University of Allied Health Sciences Enugu (FUAHSE).

This project was a unique opportunity to capture the spirit of innovation and academic excellence that defines FUAHSE. From the moment we began filming at the university's iconic entrance gate, the energy and dedication of the students and faculty were palpable. Our cameras followed the journey from the ICT Centre, where students were engrossed in exams, to the quiet determination of those studying in the library, and finally to the hands-on work being done in the Biomedical Engineering Department.


One of the documentary's highlights was the insightful contributions from key figures at FUAHSE, including Prof. John Emaimo, the Vice Chancellor, and Prof. Cajethan Nwadinigwe, the Deputy Vice Chancellor. Their reflections on the history and growth of the Biomedical Engineering Department provided valuable context for understanding the department’s significance in Nigeria's healthcare landscape.


The documentary also shines a light on the groundbreaking work being done within the department. Engr. Dr. Chidi Onyejaka, Dr. Idiake Kennedy, Engr. Eze Onyeka, and Mr. Ude Abel played pivotal roles in presenting the sophisticated equipment designed and constructed by the students. Their expertise and passion were evident as they explained the functions and potential impact of these innovations on the future of healthcare.

When we presented the final edited video to the university's administration, I was delighted to see their enthusiastic response. The creativity and concepts we employed in interpreting the department’s story resonated deeply with them, reaffirming our belief in the power of well-crafted visual narratives.


This documentary is more than just a film; it is a testament to the strides FUAHSE is making in advancing biomedical engineering education. It was an honor to direct this project and contribute to telling a story that will inspire both current and future students, as well as the broader community.


Enjoy is the  documentary snippet, and watch full documentary on FUAHSE's YouTube as join in celebrating the innovative spirit that is driving the Federal University of Allied Health Sciences Enugu (FUAHSE) to new heights.

Documentary Filming of Biomedical Engineering at FUAHSE
Image Credit
magnus media studios


Cyril Odenigbo

Director, Magnus Media Nigeria LTD